Systematizing Collaboration amongst Business and Educational institutions

SCOBE Meeting in Malta

The second partner meeting of SCOBE project took place on 26 and 27 March 2018. in Naxxar,
Malta arranged by Acrosslimits Ltd. The attendants were the representatives of the six
consortium partners: the Spanish Vea Global., the French GMI AERO SAS, the Greek MAICH, the
Maltese Acrosslimits, the English Accentuate and the Hungarian ArchEnerg.

The two-day session started with a presentation about the Engagement Tool and the Business
Observatory development. In reference to the Engagement Box, the results of the
motivational survey were shared with the project partners. Interestingly, these surveys were
not only filled in by the institutions of the participant countries, but also by organisations from
Portugal and Sweden. Based on the survey, the priority of the technical institutions is to learn
more about the current trends of wind energy sector while the most important thing for
educational institutions is having access to the training material of SCOBE project. Within the
frames of the Business Observatory, a survey was discussed and approved by the partners and
information was given about the current trends of wind energy maintenance and repair.
A great emphasis was put on the initial steps of the training material that is being made by
Accentuate, GMI, Acrosslimits and MAICH. There was a discourse about the structure of the
training material and the distribution of work. According to the draft of the curriculum, the
students will gain knowledge about the types and the construction of the rotor blades,
damage analysation, the materials used just as material testing, different techniques and
methodologies. Health and safety regulations and waste disposal rules will also be instructed
during these two courses on wind energy. Interesting tests, games and videos will make the
courses enjoyable. Because of this, a general outline was given about the virtual e-learning
platform, along with it some details were defined as well.
The last few hours of the meeting were spent on both the ongoing and the forthcoming
dissemination activities, the administrative documentations of Erasmus+, the preparations
and deadlines of the nearest tasks, the multiplier events and the arrangements of the next

After the summary and evaluation of the meeting, the partners agreed to share more details
of the curriculum of the training material with the public when it is complete. The interested
can read it on the website of SCOBE project: