Wednesday 25 April, 2018
Conference Centre of CIHEAM-MAICH, Epikouros Room
Press Release
With the participation of students from the Educational Institutions of Crete and local authorities
from the private and public sector, the Multiplier Event took place on Wednesday 25/04/2018 at
CIHEAM-MAICH, in the framework of the European project and has to do with “Systematic
cooperation between enterprises and educational organizations / SCOBE” – ERASMUS +, “.
Project coordinator of the project that launched in September 2017 and ends in August 2019, is
the Spanish organization VEA GLOBAL from Spain, and apart from CIHEAM-MAICH from Greece
other organizations that participate are GMIO AERO SAS from France, ACROSSLIMITS from
Malta, SOLARTECK from Hungary and ACCENTUATE from England.
As mentioned in the Meeting, one of the main objectives of the EU’s climate and energy strategy
by 2020 is that at least 20% of energy consumption in the EU should be derived from Renewable
Energy Sources. Achieving this goal is largely linked to the development of technologies and the
overcoming of market barriers, and the solution is to ensure a highly skilled labor force in the field
of Renewable Energy Sources.
Mr. Angelakis Georgios, managing the SCOBE project at CIHEAM-MAICH, presented the
project’s actions and those that have been implemented so far in Crete, while it was mentioned
that the project aims to bridge the gap between the real needs of the market and the existing
“Systematizing Collaboration amongst Business and Educational Institutions/SCOBE”
programs education training for educational institutions by creating structured online training
courses through the provision of appropriate educational material in the field of wind power and
wind turbines.
These programs, as said by Mr. Angelakis, will be aimed at young people who may not have
received similar training in the past but would like to be involved in the field of wind energy in the
future by introducing introductory concepts and at existing workers who would like to deepen
knowledge, improve skills and strengthen their skills through a more specialized program that will
able them to respond to the rapid development of wind power industry in Greece and in Europe.
Presentations were made as well by representatives of other Educational and Technical Institutes
on the Renewable Energy Sector, focused on wind energy production in Crete, wind energy
applications and wind farms in Crete, while representatives of the business energy sector referred
to the real needs of the market and the qualifications that workers in this sector must possess.