Les collaborateurs suivants soutiennent notre projet:
Smart Future SRLHungary
Precarpathian Eco-Energy ClusterHungary
Szegedi Szakképzési CentrumHungary
The Industry Standard for Training Excellence in Wind Energy2019
GreenTech Meta-Cluster Greater Green2016
Women in Power2017
EaP PLUS2016
Cluster4Smart project2017
Imro (begin:2014, finish:2016):2014
Improvement of skills in the green economy through an advanced training program Cradle to Cradle2014
Home 2030″ – Neue Wege in der Berufsbildung zum Thema « Intelligente Energienutzung in Wohngebäuden2014
Mutual Learning for Energy Efficient Retrofitting2016
Integrating Environmental Considerations into Energy Systems Development2016
Impulser les projets co-créatifs dans le secteur du réemploi, de la réparation et de la réutilisation et favoriser l’insertion socio-professionnelle des jeunes2016
Smart Metering and home Automation technologies Re – Training for Electricians2016
Towards a Circular Economy: Generating a New Professional Profile in Household Appliance Sector2017
Systematizing Collaboration amongst Business and Educational institutions2017
Training of technicians of FCH vehicles2016
RURAL BIOENERGY: Training Plan on Bioenergy for the agri-food sector2017
Hogar digital Z-Wave2017
Qualifizieren für die gekoppelte und dezentrale Energieversorgung durch Brennstoffzellen-Heizgeräte in der Haustechnik: Die KWK-Fachkraft2014
Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources in Agricultural Vocational Education2017
Strategic Partnership for the development of a VET course on water efficiency technologies for water technicians2014
New Energy to Rebuild E-uropean Learning2015
Green, greener, the greenest wind, water and the world.2015
Training in Smart Metering Technologies for Construction Site Managers2015
Building Lifecycle Energy Saving Integral Learning2014
Renewable Energy Sources for Agricultural Vocational Education2015
WATTer Skills – Water Efficiency and Water-Energy Nexus in Building Construction and Retrofit2017
NE(W)AVE – reNEWAble e-VEt learning2017
Training for change. Build trust and upgrade competence for the trainers in ecological building2017
Eco-DESsign training for agricultural and FOOD industry2015
Project Manager of Sustainability Report/Integrated Report2017
Digital and environmental skills for facilities management2016
Implementation of ECVET for Qualification Design in Drinking Water Treatment Plants and Sanitation for Pure Drinkable Water2014
Maintenance simulator for the sustainability of European wind farms2017
E-mobility Innovation Network2015
Green Skills at Vocational Education2017
Integrated Management of Pesticides and Liable Exposure with Machinery Executing Needed Treatments2016
Green Ideas For Tourism for Europe2015
Aligning VET curricula to Greening and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)2018
South East Europe strategic partnership in vocational education and training in Passive House Design for nearly zero energy buildings2014