Systematizing Collaboration amongst Business and Educational institutions



The triple ’20 20 20′ climate and energy target by 2020 is one of the targets that the EU’s ten year growth strategy ‘Europe 2020’ established. One of the main goals of the strategy consists of reaching a 20% share of EU gross final energy consumption from RE (Renewable Energy).

To reach the legally binding renewable energy target by 2020, the EU needs to sustain an average growth rate of renewable energy of 4.7% per year between 2011 and 2020. Reaching such a target is greatly related to the development of technologies and to the overcoming of market barriers.

The solution to this is to ensure there is a highly skilled workforce in the renewable energy areas, and SCOBE aims to help fill the gap between what the market needs and what the current educational establishments are focusing on.

Our Strategic Goals:

  1. Promoting long term collaborations of the business sector and VET centres for reducing skills mismatches and strengthening key competences.
  2. Promoting work-based learning by systematizing the development of training programmes based on real business needs and including job shadowing activities.
  3. Supporting ICT – based teaching in VET by the creation of a blended learning programme.
  4. Fostering the achievement of European goals (Europe 20-20-20) by promoting the supply of a properly qualified work force for the RE sector.

Our Operative Goals:

  1. The development of a novel set of tools for ensuring long term and effective collaborations of VET centres and business: the SCOBE Toolkit.
  2. The validation of the SCOBE Toolkit by collaboratively (business – VET) creating and implementing a training programme aimed at Wind Energy.
  3. The development and implementation of a blended learning programme, focused on identified training needs on the wind energy field: curricula, learning contents and tools, e-learning platform, job shadowing activities.
  4. The involvement of 90 trainees in the programme

Project Funding

The SCOBE project is funded under the Erasmus+ Programme under Key Action 2 – Development of Innovation – Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training”